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Public speaking at council meetings


Cabinet: You can make a statement of fact or opinion, or ask a question at a Cabinet meeting. To speak at a Cabinet meeting you must contact us by 12 noon on the Thursday before the meeting.

Full Council (addressing): You can address the Full Council if you live, work or study in the Lancaster district area. Your address must be received by noon, three working days before the meeting.

Full Council (asking a question): You can ask question at a meeting of the Full Council. You must give notice of your question by noon, three working days before the meeting.

Three working days before the meeting is normally noon on the Friday the week before the Wednesday evening meeting, unless there are bank holidays involved. If in any doubt, please email or phone 01524 582057.

Licensing Committee meetings: You can have a say about some of the issues at Licensing Committee meetings. You must register to speak by midday three working days before the Committee meets. Full details on speaking at Licensing Committee are available in a leaflet to download on the right hand side of this page.

Planning Committee: You can register to speak at Planning Committee on a particular planning application.

Appeals Committee: You must give notice of your intention to speak by 4pm three working days before the meeting. Registration can be made in writing, by email, or by telephone, using the contact details on this page.

Council and committee meetings

Last updated: 04 August 2021

Lancaster City Council logogram

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