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Comment on planning applications

Please see our full user guide for further details on how to comment on planning applications.

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You can only access our planning applications system if you are using a currently supported web browser. If you cannot connect, please update your browser to its most recent version.

Lancaster City Council Privacy Statement (Planning)

As the Local Planning Authority, Lancaster City Council collects, processes and stores personal information about you in order to administer and assess planning applications, and to fulfil certain legal obligations with respect to planning.  To find out more about how we process your data please refer to the Council’s Privacy Policy for Planning.

Comment on an application

Anyone can make representations on planning grounds for or against a proposal.

This should be done within the statutory 21 day consultation period. Whilst we will accept and take into account written comments submitted up to the point of the determination of the application, a decision can be issued in some instances upon the expiry of the 21 day consultation period and therefore it is always advisable to respond within this statutory timeframe.

  • Please do not send your comments in by more than one means (for example, online followed up by an email) 

Only one instance of your comments will be put before the case officer and considered, and each means of commenting carries equal weight.

In the interests of economy, we cannot respond to the comments you make.


You can comment on, object to, or support a planning application online. Each live application has a 'Make a comment' button available during the consultation period which allows you to submit comments and reasons for your support or objection. Your comments will be forwarded to the case officer dealing with the application.

If you wish to track the progress of the application, please select the 'Submit and Register' option at the bottom  of the 'Comments' form.


You can comment by email to (preferably as an attachment). You must include the reference number of the application you are commenting on. You should receive an email confirmation within a few minutes of submitting your comments. If you do not receive a confirmation, this means we have not received your comments. If this is the case, consider submitting your comments online (see above).


You can comment by post by sending a letter to:

Planning Department
Town Hall
Dalton Square

You must include the reference number of the application you are commenting on. Letters of comment are not acknowledged by the council, nor will you be advised of the outcome of the application. However, you can follow the progress of an application and view the final decision.

Last updated: 24 April 2024

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