Pay policy statements
As a publicly funded organisation the council is committed to being as open and transparent as possible on how it spends tax-payers’ money. This page contains details of our pay policy and chief officer remuneration.
Gender pay gap information
Pay policy statements
Use of data
You are free to re-use this data under the same terms as the government’s Open Government Licence.
We also publish details of salaries paid which exceed £50,000 as part of our annual Statement of Accounts. Details of these payments can be found in our Statement of Accounts. Please note that these figures also include fees and allowances as well as basic salary.
Background information
- For more information on council services see What does Lancaster City Council do?
- For more information about the management structure see council structure.
Further information
You can request further information as a freedom of information request. You can make a request in the following ways:
- By completing an online freedom of information request form
- By emailing a pay policy information request
- By writing to: The Financial Services Manager, Lancaster City Council, Town Hall, Dalton Square, Lancaster, LA1 1PJ
Last updated: 14 March 2025