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UKSPF Privacy Notice

Lancaster City Council is the Lead Local Authority for the district’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Organisations and projects funded by UKSPF will collect and share some personal data in order to administer their projects.

Privacy Notice

We are committed to protecting your privacy, and this statement is made in light of the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018 in order to advise you how we use your personal information.

When do we collect personal information?

Lancaster City Council will collect information from the UKSPF project partners in order to comply with the reporting requirements of the UKSPF.

What personal information do we collect?

The personal information we collect will be relevant to the Priority Intervention in which a project is funded to deliver. The essential data and information that we will collect for UKSPF reporting purposes will be the names of beneficiaries as a result of funding and project delivery. Depending on the intervention, the names of beneficiaries could be (the list is not exhaustive);

  • Names of businesses/organisations receiving support
  • Names of individuals receiving support/attending training.
  • Names of individuals attending arts and culture events

Recipients of grant funding are required to hold more detailed personal information relevant to their project and may share this data with Lancaster City Council during the reporting process. Lancaster City Council may carry out evaluation of the UKSPF programme once the programme is delivered or near completion.

See Appendix A to see examples of the information we may require from grant funding recipients. The list is not exhaustive. All project deliverers will ensure that their Privacy Notices state the personal information collected for their project.

How do we use your personal information?

Lancaster City Council will use your personal information to record project delivery and to report to Central Government on the impacts of Government funded projects.

We will not use your information for marketing purposes.

Do we share your information with anyone else?

We will only share personal information with the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) if it is required. Generally, information that will be shared with DLUHC will be collated and anonymised into numerical reports but there may be occasions that personal data must be shared.

We will not share your information with any other organisations unless required to do so by law.

How long will we hold your information?

We will retain your information for up to 7 years from the point Investment Plans are approved, as guided by the UKSPF Privacy Notice

This is currently estimated to be summer 2030.

Your rights and how to find out more

You have a number of rights under data protection law, including the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you, and the right to object to our use of your information in certain circumstances.

For further information about your rights, how the council uses your information, and how to get in touch if you have a query or complaint, please see the council’s main privacy notice.

We reserve the right to amend this privacy notice at any time. However, we take your privacy very seriously and will never change our policies or practices to make them less protective of your personal information.

If we make any changes to this policy that significantly affect you, we will aim to notify you directly if we hold contact details for you. You will always be able to find the most up-to-date version of this policy on our website at this address

This Version: 01 (October 2023)


Appendix A – information grant recipients are required to record subject to the intervention being funded. This list is not exhaustive.

Community and Place (Priority Intervention)

E1 - Funding for improvements to town centres and high streets, including better accessibility for disabled people, including capital spend and running costs. 

E6 - Support for local arts, cultural, heritage and creative activities.

E8 - Funding for the development and promotion of wider campaigns which encourage people to visit and explore the local area. 

E11 - Investment in capacity building and infrastructure support for local civil society and community groups.

Personal information to collect for E1,E6,E8,E11

  • The names of individual and organisational beneficiaries
  • Unique identification numbers from beneficiaries of interventions
  • Individual personal data following survey response or after attending training sessions – (name, postcode, other personal details)

E13 - Community measures to reduce the cost of living, including through measures to improve energy efficiency, and combat fuel poverty and climate change.

Personal information to collect for E13

  • House numbers, postcodes and individuals supported by Cost of Living interventions
  • Energy efficiency measures gained by a household via funding

Support For Business (Priority Intervention)

E19 - Increasing investment in research and development at the local level. Investment to support the diffusion of innovation knowledge and activities. Support the commercialisation of ideas, encouraging collaboration and accelerating the path to market so that more ideas translate into industrial and commercial practices.

Personal information to collect for E19

  • The names of businesses receiving support
  • Business details such as postcodes and business sector
  • The type of support provided – grant/non-financial
  • Details of new technology used as a result of support
  • Details of improved productivity and/or the gross value added per hour worked or gross value added per worker

E23 - Strengthening local entrepreneurial ecosystems and supporting businesses at all stages of their development to start, sustain, grow and innovate, including through local networks.

Personal information to collect for E23

  • Individual personal data where new jobs are created (name, postcode, other personal details)
  • Individual personal data where jobs are safeguarded as a result (name, postcode, other personal details)

E26 - Growing the local social economy. 

Personal information to collect for E26

  • The increase in amount of tangible investment made by the private sector within a specified area over the reporting period.
  • Tangible means something physical, for example, buildings, machinery, fixtures and fittings. It excludes financial investments such as stocks or bonds.

E29 - Supporting decarbonisation and improving the natural environment whilst growing the local economy. Taking a whole systems approach to invest in infrastructure to deliver effective decarbonisation across energy, buildings and transport and beyond, in line with our legally binding climate target. Maximising existing or emerging local strengths in low carbon technologies, goods and services to take advantage of the growing global opportunity.

Personal information to collect for E29

  • Decarbonisation Plans and the name and sector of the business receiving support for decarbonisation.

People and Skills (Priority Intervention)

E33 - Employment support for economically inactive people: Intensive and wrap-around one-to-one support to move people closer towards mainstream provision and employment, supplemented by additional and/or specialist life and basic skills (digital, English, maths and ESOL) support where there are local provision gaps

Personal information to collect for E33

  • Individual receiving support (name, postcode, other personal information)
  • Unique identification numbers from beneficiaries of interventions
  • What the support was (Maths/English/ESOL)
  • Employment status (economically active or inactive) when receiving support
  • Outcome of the support (eg qualification, further education, employment)
  • Employment status 6 months following support (name of employer, job role with that employer)

E35 - Activities such as enrichment and volunteering to improve opportunities and promote wellbeing.

Personal information to collect for E35

  • Name of individual and volunteering role
  • Personal barriers experienced by volunteer – (health, age, disability)
  • Organisation volunteering with
  • Employment or training status following volunteering

E38 - Support for local areas to fund local skills needs. This includes technical and vocational qualifications and courses up to level 2 and training for vocational licences relevant to local area needs and high-value qualifications where there is a need for additional skills capacity that is not being met through other provision.

Personal information to collect for E38

  • Individual receiving support (name, postcode, other personal information)
  • Unique identification numbers from beneficiaries of interventions
  • What the vocational support was (Mechanics, Plumbing, Hair and Beauty)
  • Economically active status – details of employer
  • Details of mainstream education or training being delivered – Lifelong Learning/vocational training.

E39 - Green skills courses targeted around ensuring we have the skilled workforce to achieve the government’s net zero and wider environmental ambitions.

Personal information to collect for E39

  • Individual receiving support (name, postcode, other personal information)
  • Unique identification numbers from beneficiaries of interventions
  • What the support was (Maths/English/ESOL)
  • Employment status (economically active or inactive) when receiving support
  • Outcome of the support (eg qualification, further education, employment)
  • Details of green skills qualification or course completed as a result of support
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