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Local land charges search

Local land charges searches are searches that are requested by a solicitor or licensed conveyancer acting on behalf of a person buying or selling land or property. The search is a series of standard questions designed to give any potential buyer as much information as possible about the property.

Submitting a local authority search electronically

We are currently connected to the National Land Information Service (NLIS) at Level 2. This means search requests can be submitted electronically using one of the licensed NLIS channels. Search replies are also returned electronically.

You can find out more about NLIS on their website or you can contact any of the licensed channels listed below:

Alternatively, to arrange a search, please contact us directly on

Services and fees

Personal search

The local land charges register is available to view via a terminal at to Lancaster town hall, Lancaster, LA1 1PJ, on an appointment-only basis.

Appointments are made by emailing your request to giving two clear working days notice. Please request an appointment time.

  • Appointments are held hourly from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday
  • There are 4 time slots: 9am,10am, 11am and 12pm each day with a maximum of six addresses per appointment

Other personal search information is available by emailing the relevant service areas:

Last updated: 05 April 2023

Lancaster City Council logogram

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