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Making a complaint

Although we aim to provide the highest standards of service, we know that problems do sometimes occur. Very often we can sort them out on the spot. If you are unhappy about something that has happened to you, your relative or friend, please let us know.

Remember, we can’t do anything about a problem if we are not aware of it. When things go wrong we want to know. We will use your feedback to put things right for the future.

We will try to resolve your issue when you first contact us and as quickly as we can.

If you feel the issue you have raised has not been dealt with properly, you may have the right to make a formal complaint.

Please make your complaint as soon as possible, while all the events are fresh in everyone’s minds. This will help us to help you by dealing with the complaint as quickly as possible. Complaints must be made within 12 months of the issue first arising.


Last updated: 15 May 2024

Lancaster City Council logogram

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