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Complaining about a Councillor

To complain about the conduct of a member of the Lancaster City Council or a member of one of the parish or town councils within the council’s area, please complete and return a member conduct complaint form.

Your complaint will be considered in accordance with the code of conduct for elected members.

This process can only be used to deal with complaints about the conduct of a councillor. It cannot be used to deal with complaints about things that are not covered by the members’ code of conduct. If you make a complaint, it must be about why you think a member has not followed the code of conduct.

The codes of conduct of the parish and town councils within the council's district are also available from the Monitoring Officer or from the clerk to the relevant parish or town council.

Return the form to:

  • Address: Monitoring Officer, Lancaster City Council, Town Hall, Lancaster, LA1 1PJ
  • Email:

Last updated: 19 November 2019

Lancaster City Council logogram

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