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Get involved

Have your say on the services we provide

Involving residents in service development, delivery and improvement is important. It makes us more approachable, more accountable, and more attuned to residents’ views.

Health and Housing Services has been successful in obtaining national accreditation for resident involvement through the TPAS Resident Involvement Quality Standard (RIQ) - an independent guarantee of excellence in resident involvement.

There are lots ways to get involved and have your say on the services we provide here at Council Housing, including Quality Groups, the District Wide Tenants Forum, Tenants and Residents Associations, Surveys and much more.


We provide a variety of training opportunities for residents and leaseholders to get involved in. In the past these have included courses which help residents to organise their own events such as Food Hygeine or Basic First Aid, visits to other housing organisations, and more general sessions regarding issues affecting social housing tenants today.

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