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Noise - How to complain

You can ask for advice or complain to the council about any noise problem.

There is a strict policy for treating your name and address with the strictest of confidence and preserving your anonymity. Anonymous complaints are not normally investigated.

Please note that a person causing a nuisance may suspect a complaint has been made when they are approached, and they may guess (correctly or otherwise) who has made it. You should be aware that if the complaint ultimately requires legal action then you may be required to attend any subsequent court proceedings as a witness on behalf of the council.

Following a complaint the person(s) alleged to be causing the noise will normally be contacted and made aware that a complaint has been received. This visit will often be followed up by a letter confirming the complaint is being investigated and asking them to take steps if necessary to reduce noise. The person subject to an official complaint may become upset and less cooperative if the first they hear of it is when an environmental health officer knocks on their door. It is usually better to give the person causing your noise problem an opportunity to deal with the situation before you decide to make an official complaint.

To make a complaint you can:

Remember – Legal action is unpleasant and will worsen any relationship between you and the noise-maker. It is important that you do your best to resolve the problem in an amicable way, and that legal action should be a last resort. You must avoid retaliation and angry exchanges because these can jeopardise an investigation or formal action.

Last updated: 11 November 2019

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