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Emergency contact details

The council's emergency out-of-hours contact number is 01524 67099.

Calls to this number will be logged but will not necessarily result in an emergency response. This number should only be used for Lancaster City Council related emergencies.

Emergency Services: 999

999 emergency SMS service (for those who experience deafness or are hard of hearing)

Important contacts for the Lancaster district

Lancashire Police 101 (for non-emergency calls anywhere in Lancashire)

Lancashire Fire and Rescue 01772 862545 (Lancaster fire station 01524 60193)

Lancashire County Council 0300 053 0000

Royal Lancaster Infirmary 01524 65944  

NHS Choices (find NHS services near you)

Water (United Utilities) 

Electricity (United Utilities) 0800 195 4141 (Textphone 0800 458 9767)

National Grid 0800 111 999 (electricity and gas networks)

Environment Agency 0800 807060 (incident reporting) or 0345 988 1188 (floodline)

Floodline 0345 988 1188

Health and Safety Executive

BBC Radio Lancashire 103.9, 95.5, 104.5 FM

See Emergency Planning and Business Continuity for details of the council's emergency recovery plans.

See also the Lancashire Resilience Forum and the UK Resilience Forum for more advice on what to do in an emergency.

Last updated: 07 December 2023

Lancaster City Council logogram

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