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Business continuity

Business continuity (internal)

Business Continuity means having plans to continue with critical services when faced with extreme disruption such as the loss of access to a building (fire, flood or other cause), loss of utilities or loss of IT services. It also covers the absence of staff including individual key members or a general increased absence as might occur in a flu pandemic.

The Council has developed a Business Continuity Policy and also an Overall Business Continuity Plan to provide a structure and procedures for Business Continuity within the Council.

Initial Business Continuity plans have been produced by all Services who will continue to be involved in developing and revising their respective plans because they understand their own areas of business, the services that must be kept going and the risks to those services.

The Council’s Business Continuity Team comprises the Council’s Risk and Assurance Manager (Secretary), Principal Auditor (Vice Chair), Head of Property Services, Information Services Officer, Information Management Officer, Human Resources Manager and the Civil Contingencies Officer (Chair). If any Service activates its Business Continuity Plan the team will convene as a Business Recovery Group to support the restoration of services and return to normality.

Business Continuity (External Promotion)

Under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 the Council has a duty to promote Business Continuity to local businesses and voluntary organisations. This will be carried out by forming links with local organisations such as the Chamber of Commerce, by attendance at suitable business events, by links with Lancashire Resilience Forum agencies and through this web site.

A Business Continuity template (DOC, 231KB) is available to download through this link. It is free of charge to any organisation that feels it may be of use to them in beginning to address business continuity for their own critical services. Many commercial companies also provide various services including consultancy, plan preparation, training and exercising.

More Information

For more in depth information and guidance relating to business continuity please use the following external links:

Last updated: 23 May 2016

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