Electoral vacancies and notices
Details of current electoral vacancies and notices
Electoral Vacancies
Slyne With Hest Parish Council (PDF, 10KB)
Cockerham Parish Council (PDF, 10KB)
Silverdale Parish Council (PDF, 10KB)
Heaton With Oxcliffe Parish Council - Winster Ward (PDF, 10KB)
Notice of Election
Lancashire County Council Lancaster Area (PDF)
Morecambe Town Council - Torrisholme Ward (PDF)
Declaration of Results
Carnforth and Millhead Ward (PDF)
Lancaster and Wyre (PDF, 16KB)
Morecambe and Lunesdale (PDF, 16KB)
Polling District Review
Polling district review notice (PDF)
List of Polling Stations with Recommended Changes (XLSX)
Results Of Polling District Review 2023
Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2023
Section 17 of the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 introduced a duty on local authorities to carry out and complete a review of polling districts and polling places between 01 October 2013 and 31 January 2015, and then in the period of 16 months beginning with 01 October every fifth year after that.
In line with this legislation, Lancaster City Council has reviewed its polling districts and polling places to ensure that all electors have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practical in the circumstances and that they are accessible to all electors, including those that are disabled.
In October 2023 we invited individuals and organisations to let us know if they were happy with the arrangements that are already in place, or to make suggestions for possible changes. These suggestions were considered by Council on 8 November 2023.
A copy of the report to Council (which includes submission received and proposed changes) can be found here Polling Districts Report.pdf (lancaster.gov.uk) , and a copy of the printed minutes from the meeting can be found here (Public Pack)Minutes Document for Council, 08/11/2023 18:00 (lancaster.gov.uk)
A copy of the new list of polling places from 1 December 2023 is here: (XLSX, 27KB)
Other Notices
Notice of Fees for Elections and Registers (DOCX)
Local Government Elections Electoral Complaint Form (DOCX)
Last updated: 25 March 2025