Members' allowances
In accordance with the law Lancaster City Council publishes annually the payments made to councillors in respect of basic, special responsibility, childcare and dependent carers’ allowances, travelling and subsistence allowances and co-optees’ allowances.
Councillors receive a basic allowance that is intended to recognise the calls on their time such as council meetings, meetings with officers, constituents and official council business. The allowance also covers their incidental costs such as the use of homes and private telephones.
- The allowance scheme is set out in part 5 of the council constitution
Allowances are considered periodically by the Independent Remuneration Panel. The panel consists of up to seven independent people appointed by the council. The recommendations of the panel are then considered by full Council.
Register of interests
A register of financial and other interests in which elected members are required to declare any gifts or hospitality exceeding £25 in value is available online for each councillor or for inspection at Lancaster town hall by calling 01524 582170 or emailing
Last updated: 27 November 2024