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Morecambe Area Action Plan

Euston Road

Euston Road

The Morecambe Area Action Plan (MAAP), adopted in December 2014, is a spatial plan for central Morecambe, a priority area for regeneration within Lancaster District. It sets out a series of planning policies and action points which support regeneration and development of specific sites and sets out criteria to ensure that the type and design of development reflects the regenerations aspirations for Morecambe. The Morecambe Area Action Plan Monitoring Report , published September 2023, identifies the projects and initiatives which have taken place and considers how the planning policies have influenced development. It also considers each of the action points and whether the aims have been achieved through the regeneration projects which have taken place within the MAAP area.   

There have been positive outcomes in respect of many of the action points through regeneration projects such as the second Morecambe Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI2): A View for Eric which helped deliver building improvements and Connecting Victoria and the Wave Reflection Wall which delivered improvements to the public realm and connections between the town and the seafront. The projects have been regeneration led, influenced by the action sets and objectives rather than as a result of the planning policies. 

The MAAP relates closely to other elements of the Local Plan including the Development Management DPD  and the  Land Allocations DPD. For planning purposes it should be read in conjunction with the Development Management DPD.

Last updated: 10 January 2024

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