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Lancaster Canal Corridor North - Assessment of heritage values and significance

In 2009 a proposed redevelopment of this site in the city of Lancaster was refused planning permission following a public inquiry, principally due to concerns raised over the effect of that scheme on the area's heritage assets.

In 2010, following agreement with Centros (the then developer), the council and English Heritage (now Historic England) commissioned an independent report by The Conservation Studio, in association with the Architectural History Practice, to assess the heritage values and significance of the existing buildings within the site:

The conclusions of the report indicate that this part of the city is significant in the context of the history of Lancaster’s growth and development and the area is anticipated to contain some significant archaeology. Moor Lane and St Leonardgate have framed the site for centuries and following the construction of the canal, the area behind the previously built up frontages was in-filled with modest industrial buildings, court housing and later terraced housing, much of which no longer survives.

However, there remain several buildings of national significance within the site, including the two theatres, the Tramway buildings and the Brewery Malthouse. Although much of the site is now in use as surface car parks, a number of the other surviving structures have also been found to be significant. The identification and understanding of these buildings, through this report, will be key considerations in developing new proposals for the site.

Last updated: 12 March 2019

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