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About us

Who we are and what we do

Stone Jetty and Midland Hotel

Stone Jetty and Midland Hotel

A Coastal Communities Team (CCT) is a local partnership consisting of the local authority and a range of people and business interests from a coastal community, who have an understanding of the issues facing that area and can develop an “effective forward strategy for that place”.

By understanding the economic and other issues in their area Coastal Communities Teams should produce an Economic Plan to address these including:

  • Development of local solutions to economic issues facing coastal communities
  • Enhancing the attractiveness and accessibility of public areas
  • Providing increased community facilities
  • Promoting the visitor economy
  • Encouraging sustainable uses of heritage/cultural assets
  • Creating links to support the growth and performance of the retail sector
  • Supporting the development of relevant skills in the district.

Who set up the Port to Promenade CCT?

The government invited coastal areas to bid to establish CCTs. Lancaster City Council submitted a successful bid to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s (MHCLG). The council then worked to develop a partnership to represent the area and to direct work.

What is the area covered?

The Port to Promenade Coastal Communities Team for Morecambe and Heysham contains the six wards of Heysham South, Central and North, Harbour, Poulton and Bare.

What can CCTs do?

CCTs must produce an economic plan that details the needs and challenges of the area along with actions to address these. The CCT should work to prioritise and address those challenges through a series of actions and means of delivering these, e.g. appoint lead organisation, find possible sources of funding and undertake further work needed to develop solutions.

Read the Port to Promenade Coastal Communities Team Economic Plan (link to final version of plan)

How does it work?

Lancaster City Council are the accountable body for the Port to Promenade CCT. The city council is providing resources to support CCT meetings and to take forward project groups that deliver the Economic Plan’s actions.

Lancaster City Council logogram

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