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SIC codes

Find a SIC code for your duty of care waste transfer note

Lancaster City Council is a licensed waste carrier and in order to comply with the Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations Act 1990, a waste transfer note must be completed annually and retained on file for all our customers. It is a legal requirement to keep a copy of your completed waste transfer note for two years.

Under the Waste Regulations 2011, waste transfer notes require the SIC code of the transferor, that is, the business that is transferring the waste to another business. Please record your SIC code in section D of your duty of care waste transfer note.

The legislation has changed, and we now only require one code for the primary function of your business.  Selecting the right code is the responsibility of the user and we can accept no responsibility for any incorrect code used.

You can find the most appropriate SIC code for your company by searching the condensed list of SIC codes. The list is divided into 21 main industry categories and within each category there will be more specific trade activities.

For information and support on SIC codes, please see the Office for National Statistics UK SIC 2007 website, or call 01329 444970 or email

Last updated: 20 November 2023

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