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Taxi and Private Hire licence forms

Taxi and Private Hire licence application forms

Check sheets - daily and monthly
Meter calibration form
Private hire / hackney carriage / dual DRIVER application
D4 medical examination report and D4 medical fitness form
Medical self-certification form
Private hire OPERATOR application
Tax conditionality check
Vehicle application form (PH and HC)
Transfer of vehicle licence
Change of vehicle form
Vehicle accident report
Vehicle inspection checklist
Hackney carriage fare card
Fees for HC and PH Licences

Right to work in the UK

Your right to work in the UK will be checked as part of your licensing application - this could include the licensing authority checking your immigration status with the Home Office. You must therefore provide a document or document combination that is stipulated as being suitable for this check:

You must bring the original document(s), such as a passport or biometric residence permit as indicated in our published guidance, so that the check can take place. The document(s) will be copied and the copy retained by the licensing authority. The original document will be returned to you. If there are restrictions on the length of time you may work in the UK, your licence will not be issued for any longer than this period. In such circumstances, the check will be repeated each time you apply to renew or extend your licence. If, during this period, you are disqualified from holding a licence because you have not complied with the UK’s immigration laws, your licence will lapse and you must return it to the licensing authority, failure to do so is a criminal offence.

If the applicant fails to provide document(s) as specified the licence will not be granted/renewed.

Fair processing notice

Lancaster City Council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided on your application form for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes.

Privacy statement

We will use your personal information in a manner compatible with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Any disclosures or sharing of information will only take place where required or permitted by law. For further information please see the council’s privacy statement.

Last updated: 10 June 2024

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