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Road closures

How to apply for a temporary road closure for an event on the highway.

If you are intending to host an event on the highway you must seek permission for a temporary road closure from the appropriate authority.

As event organiser you will be required to provide appropriate traffic management, signs, barriers and diversion routes to support the road closure. The police will not undertake this function or provide staff to facilitate the traffic management plan.

Application procedure

Depending on the type of event you are planning, you must apply to either Lancaster City Council or Lancashire County Council.

Street parties, processions and carnivals

Apply to: Lancaster City Council
Application procedure: Complete and return a road closure application form  and forward the completed form to:

Major sporting events, cycle races, triathlons

Apply to: Lancashire County Council
Application procedure: Visit website

If you are in doubt about whether you need a road closure order, and who you need to apply to, please contact us on 01524 582000.

Last updated: 05 June 2024

Lancaster City Council logogram

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