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Public registers

Public registers of licence holders and licensed premises in the Lancaster district.

Browser support

Please note: You can only access our public registers if you are using a currently supported web browser. If you cannot connect, please update your browser to its most recent version.

Taxi and Private Hire
Hackney Carriage
Hackney Carriage Driver
Private Hire Driver
Private Hire Operator
Dual Licence
Licensing Act
Personal Register
Premises Register
Gambling Act
Gambling Act Register
Small Societies Lotteries
General Licences
Acupuncture Personal
Acupuncture Premises
Earpiercing Personal
Electrolysis Personal
Late Night Refreshment House
Motor Salvage Operator
Scrap Metal Mobile
Scrap Metal Site Licence
Second Hand Dealers
Sexual Entertainment Venue
Tattooing Personal

Last updated: 16 August 2022

Lancaster City Council logogram

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