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Licensing applications received

A list of the most recent licensing applications received by Lancaster City Council

Licence applications received

Premises Address Type Representations by
Sir Richard Owen  (PDF, 36KB) 4 Spring Garden Street, Lancaster Premises Licence Vary 12th June 2024



Making a representation

If you are an interested party and wish to make a representation, please do so before the date stated in the table above. For further information, including a representation form (attachment below) please see notes for interested parties.

You can also view and search the Personal Register and Premises Register of licences issued.

General advice

For general advice please contact us using one of the options below.

By letter: Licensing Section, Lancaster City Council, Morecambe Town Hall, Marine Road East, Morecambe, LA4 5AF

By email:

By telephone: 01524 582033

By appointment: Please note that whilst every effort will be made to see people who call at our office at the Town Hall between 10am and 12 noon and 2pm and 4pm, we strongly suggest that you make an appointment to see the appropriate officer before attending.

Last updated: 03 June 2024

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