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Contact Revenue Services

Contact Revenue Services for council tax, benefits and business rates enquiries.


  • Revenue Services, PO Box 4, Town Hall, Lancaster, LA1 1QR


Enquiry Number Lines open
Council tax 01524 582900 Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm
Council tax recovery 01524 582970 Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm
Housing benefit and council tax support 01524 582965 Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm (Wednesday 10am - 5pm)
Business rates 01524 582920 Monday to Thursday 9am - 4pm, Friday 9am - 1.30pm

Freephone services are available at Morecambe Town Hall.


Enquiry Email
Council tax
Housing benefit and council tax support
Business rates

Emails will be acknowledged within one working day and we aim to respond to Benefits and Council Tax enquiries within five working days.

We aim to respond to Business Rates emails in more detail within 10 working days. However, during exceptionally busy periods a response may take up to 28 days.

In person

Last updated: 01 August 2023

Lancaster City Council logogram

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