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High hedges

Local authorities have the power to deal with complaints about high hedges, under Part 8 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003. However, a complaint can only be made when all other avenues for resolving the hedge dispute have been exhausted between the complainant and the hedge owner.

What is a high hedge?

The hedge must be made up of line of two or more trees, it must be evergreen (keeps its leaves all year round) or semi-evergreen, and it must be at least two metres in height.

Role of the local authority

Our role, as set out in the Act is to decide whether the hedge is adversely affecting your reasonable enjoyment of your property. In doing so, we must take account of all relevant factors and must strike a balance between the competing interests of you and the hedge owner, as well as the interests of the wider community.

How to complain

When you have exhausted all avenues and are unable to resolve the situation, you may make a formal complaint to the council.

We will acknowledge that we have received your complaint within 10 working days and notify you if your complaint is to be investigated.

If we are satisfied that a complaint meets the legal tests, we will invite your neighbour to set out their case. When we have both sides of the story, we will visit the site to look at the hedge and its surroundings, this will include measuring the size of your garden or how far the hedge is from windows in your home.


The fee is £250.

Help and advice

If you wish to discuss your application before submitting it or you are having difficulty completing the form, please contact the planning and place service by emailing and we will call you back.

Last updated: 16 March 2023

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