Planning Policy Consultations & Newsletters
Our current and previous consultations, news and how you can get involved
A new Local Plan Hub for Lancaster District
We have published our new digital hub for the full review of the Lancaster District Local Plan. We hope that our new digital approach and the information will help everyone to understand the local plan process. We have asked for feedback, if you do find something is not clearly explained we will try to explain it better. The Local Plan Hub will be kept up to date as the new local plan is prepared.
Please take a look at our Local Plan Hub to be kept informed>>>>>>>>
Call for sites - 2nd round
As part of the preparation of the Local Plan we would like to know if there are potential sites or broad locations for development that should be investigated. The ‘Call for Sites’ process is an excellent opportunity for landowners, developers, and individuals to suggest areas for potential future development. You can submit sites for any type of future use including housing, employment and retail. This is the 2nd round of the ‘Call for Sites process’.
Sites submitted through the ‘Call for Sites’ process will be considered via the Council’s Strategic Housing & Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA). This will consider whether any sites nominated via the ‘Call for Sites’ process is suitable, available and achievable. In investigating land for its development potential, the Council may contact you to clarify details or request further information.
Please note that even if the Council identify land in the SHELAA as having potential for future development, this does not indicate or confirm that the Council will formally allocate the site for development in the forthcoming Local Plan.
The Council have now gone through all the sites which were submitted as part of the first round of the ‘Call for Sites’ process, which closed on 30 September 2024, to assess the accuracy of the data provided.
As promised, the Council have now published a map which highlights where sites have been submitted to the process. Please note that the map provided is for information purposes only, it does not contain any assessment or conclusions on the suitability of any sites submitted.
There is no need to submit a site to us again if you have already done so unless you would like to update us on any significant changes.
Submitting a site
You can submit a site by completing our online 'Call for Sites' online form.
Engagement doesn't end here!
We want to keep you informed, so please do check this page regularly. If you would like more information or feel that you would like to be involved in the development of the Local Plan, please contact us: and join our mailing list.
Get involved
Want to know more about how we consult and engage on planning matters
- Have a look at our Statement of Community Involvement
- To receive email updates on upcoming consultations, local plan documents and other planning policy matters, join our Planning Policy Consultation list
Closed consultations
Development Plan Documents (DPD) |
Receipt of Local Plan Inspector's ReportThe Council received the Inspector's Final Report on the Examination of the Climate Emergency Review of the Lancaster District Strategic Policies & Land Allocation Development Plan Document 2020 – 2031 and the Development Management Development Plan Document 2020 – 2031 on 2 December 2024. The Inspector’s Report concludes that subject to a number of main modifications, set out in the Main Modification Appendix to her report, the Lancaster District Local Plan 2011 – 2031 provides an appropriate basis for the planning of the district. The receipt and publication of the Inspector's Report now marks the completion of the Examination of the submitted Climate Emergency partial review of the Lancaster District Local Plan 2020 – 2031. As the Inspector has found that, subject to compliance with her binding recommendations, the documents are sound, legally compliant and capable of adoption, the final stage of the Local Plan process is for the Council to formally adopt the reviewed Local Plan. This decision will be made by Council at a date and time to be confirmed. You can view the report on the Council examination webpage. |
Supplementary Planning Documents - comments are currently being considered, more details to follow |
Shopfronts and Advertisements Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) consultationThis Shopfront Supplementary & Advertisement Planning Document (SPD) supplements policy guidance provided in the Development Management DPD (adopted July 2020) in relation to shopfronts and advertisements. The purpose of the SPD is to provide design guidance on the installation of new shopfronts and advertisements within the district particularly in sensitive locations (for example within conservation areas). More details here. A series of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) have been drafted to help support applicants address the policies in the Climate Emergency Review of the Local Plan which was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination, more details here. The SPDs cover the topics of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, water management, sustainable building and renewable energy, green and blue infrastructure and sustainable travel. It is intended to progress the SPDs in tandem with the Climate Emergency Review of the Local Plan to enable early input and amendment where necessary to address responses and any amendments to the Climate Emergency Review of the Local Plan which the examiner may require. Following the review of comments made in the following conuslations, we will be further consualtion at Regulation 12 toward the end of this year.
Housing Strategy |
Lancaster City Council sought views on the establishment of a new Registered Provider Strategic Partnership Framework. Comments were considered and further consultation took place until Friday 5 January 2024, more details to follow. |
Completed projects |