2020 Adopted Local Plan - Archived
The council adopted a new Local Plan for Lancaster district (including a Strategic Policies & Land Allocations DPD and reviewed Development Management DPD on 29 July 2020, now (Archived)
- Inspectors Report - Report on the examination of the 2020 Lancaster Local Plan (Archived)
- Local Plan Part One: Strategic Policies & Land Allocation DPD (July 2020) (Archived)
- Policies Map_District Wide (Archived)
- Policies Map_Insert 1_Main Urban Areas (Archived)
- Policies Map_Insert 2, 3, 4 & 5 (Lancaster City Centre, Carnforth, Morecambe Town Centre and Junction 33) (Archived)
- Policies Map_Rural Villages (Archived)
- Policies Map_Sustainable Settlements (Archived)
- View the interactive map (Archived)
(Archived): The DPD and supporting documents can be found here, along with the Development Management DPD and supporting SA/HRA documents:
2020 Local Plan Examination Library (Archived)
All the supporting evidence and documentation relating to the Local Plan.
Part A: Documents submitted to the Secretary of State 15 May 2018
- Section 1 - Submission documents
- Section 2 - Previous consultation documents
- Section 3 - Supporting evidence documents
- Section 4 - Other supporting documents
Part B: Examination documents:
This list of documents is held and maintained by the programme officer during the examination period.
Section 5 – Correspondence from the inspector and programme officer [EX]
EX1 - Inspector’s initial questions to the Council (PDF, 102KB) 5 September 2018
EX2 - Pre-Hearing note from the Inspector to the Council [1] (PDF, 71KB) 19 November 2018
EX3 - Pre-Hearing note from the Inspector to the Council [2] (PDF, 90KB) 10 December 2018
EX4 - Inspector's re-issued Initial Questions to the Council (PDF, 182KB)22 February 2019
EX5 - Inspector's Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) (PDF, 274KB) 28 February 2019
EX5.1 - Inspector's updated Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) (PDF, 203KB) 8 March 2019
EX6 – Examination Guidance Note (PDF, 269KB) 1 March 2019
EX7 – Inspector's letter to representors (PDF, 131KB) 1 March 2019
EX8 – Draft Hearings Timetable (Version 1) (PDF, 138KB) 1 March 2019
EX8.1 - Draft Hearings Programme (Version 2) (PDF, 396KB) 21 March 2019
EX8.2 - Hearings Programme (Version 3) (PDF, 398KB) 29 March 2019
EX8.3 - Hearings Programme (Version 4) (PDF, 398KB) 5 April 2019
EX8.4 - Hearings Programme (Version 5) (PDF, 397KB) 18 April 2019
EX9 - Letter inviting participation at additional sitting day scheduled for 21 May 2019 (PDF, 218KB) 29 April 2019
EX10 - Hearings Programme for additional sitting day (EX10) (PDF, 55KB) 15 May 2019
EX11 - Inspector's Post Hearing Note to the Council (PDF, 151KB) 31 May 2019
Section 6 – Correspondence and documents published by the council [LCC]
LCC1 - Council's response to the Inspector's initial questions of 5 September 2018 [EX1] (PDF, 316KB) 3 October 2018
LCC2 - Council's response to the Inspector's Pre-Hearing note [1] of 19 November 2018 [EX2] (PDF, 117KB) 23 November 2018
LCC3 - Council's response to the Inspector's Pre-Hearing notes [2] of 10 December 2018 [EX3] (PDF, 93KB) 11 December 2018
LCC4 - Council’s letter of submission of further representations to the additional post-submission consultation (PDF, 481KB) 16 February 2019
Note that copies of all representations to this further consultation, an updated Consultation Statement and schedules along with all relevant evidence documents are available in Section 6.1 below.
LCC5 - Notice of Examination Hearings (PDF, 216KB) 25 February 2019
LCC6 - Council's response to the Inspector's re-issued Initial Questions of 22 February 2019 (PDF, 165KB) 25 February 2019
Council's response to the Inspector's Matters, Issues and Questions (Refs 7.1 to 7.7 below) 22 March 2019
LCC7.1.1 - Updated Part 1 HRA Report (PDF, 4.4MB)
LCC7.1.2 - Updated Part 2 HRA Report (PDF, 3.2MB)
LCC7.1.3 - Lancaster Local Plan SA Addendum (PDF, 265KB)
LCC7.1.4 - Implications of the Proposed Housing Requirement (PDF, 528KB)
LCC7.2.0 - MATTER 2 - HOUSING (PDF, 655KB)
LCC7.2.1 - Examination trajectory (PDF, 408KB)
LCC7.2.2 - Appendix 1 - 510 trajectory explanation (PDF, 696KB)
LCC7.6.1 - Lancaster Emerging Local Plan Technical Note 4: Consideration of Comments received on the Local Plan Transport Assessment (PDF, 785KB) Note that this document has been re-published due to an error at para 5.1.1a (Section 5.0) which previously read 'It should also be noted the HE consider the impact of the TA presents a worst case scenario' and should have read '... do not consider ...'
LCC8 - Local Development Scheme (PDF, 1MB) (January 2019)
LCC9 - Council's response to the Inspector's Post-Hearing Advice Note to the Council [EX11] (PDF, 204KB)
LCC10 - Letter to Inspector updated position (PDF, 314KB)(16 July 2019)
Section 6.1 - Representations and evidence documents relating to additional consultation following submission
Representations received and updated representation statements:
LCC4.1.1 - Updated list of representations in respondent order (additional representations highlighted in green) (PDF, 1.4MB) (February 2019)
LCC4.1.2 - Updated list of representation in policy order (additional representation highlighted in green) (PDF, 1.5MB) (February 2019)
LCC4.2 - Additional Representations in PINS order (February 2019)
LCC4.3 - Updated list of respondents wishing to speak at hearing (PDF, 540KB) (February 2019)
LCC4.4 - Updated Consultation Statement (Regulation 22) (PDF, 1.3MB) (February 2019)
Evidence Documents:
LCC4.5 - Transport Assessment Stage 1 [Tr_02] (PDF, 24.3MB)
LCC4.6 - Transport Assessment Stage 2 [Tr_03] (PDF, 22.1MB)
LCC4.7 - Local Plan Viability Assessment Stage One [VI_01] (PDF, 6.5MB)
LCC4.8 - Local Plan Viability Assessment - Stage Two [VI_02] (PDF, 1.2MB)
LCC4.9 - Infrastructure Delivery Schedule [VI_03] (PDF, 749KB)
LCC4.10 - Lancaster City Council Open Space Study: Standards Paper [Sr_03] (PDF, 5.1MB)
LCC4.11 - Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy: Assessment Report [Sr_04.1] (PDF, 5.3MB)
LCC4.12 - Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy: Strategy and Action Plan [Sr_04.2] (PDF, 2.7MB)
LCC4.13 - Landscape, Townscape and Visual Field Summary Report [En_LA_03.1] (PDF, 11MB)
LCC4.14 - Key Urban Landscape Review [En_LA_04] (PDF, 2MB)
LCC4.15 - Identified Sites: Landscape & Visual Assessments [En_LA_05.1 to En_LA_5.19] (PDF, 72.7MB)
LCC4.16 - Urban Setting Landscape Designations for Lancaster North and Lancaster [En_LA_06] (PDF, 4.4MB)
LCC4.17 - Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (combined report) [En_SFRA_02.1-3] (PDF, 7.9MB)
LCC4.18 - Air Quality Position Statement [AQ_01] (PDF, 1.7MB)
LCC4.19 - Planning Advisory Note on Low Emissions & Air Quality [PAN_AQ_Nov18] (PDF, 1.4MB)
LCC4.20 - Housing Land Monitoring Report 2018 (combined report) [Ho_HLM_03.1-3] (PDF, 2.4MB)
LCC4.21 - Housing Standards Paper June 2018 [SD_030] (PDF, 1.2MB)
LCC4.22 - Self-Build and Custom Build Housing PAN [PANS&CB_Nov18] (PDF, 761KB)
LCC4.23 - Lancaster District Inclusive Growth Report [Em_Ep_03] (PDF, 1.2MB)
Council's media and communications documents:
LCC4.25 - Public Notice (PDF, 199KB)
LCC4.26 - Press Release (PDF, 334KB)
LCC4.27 - Guidance Notes and Response Form (PDF, 833KB)
LCC4.28 - Consultee letter (PDF, 256KB)
Section 7 - Hearing statements (HS) and statements of common ground (SoCG)
HS01 - Mineral Products Association_PINS118 (PDF, 733KB)
HS02 - Aylward Town Planning on behalf of Derwent Holdings_PINS198 (PDF, 461KB)
HS03 - Barton Willmore on behalf of SCPi Consulting Ltd_PINS167 (PDF, 1.8MB)
HS04 - Morecambe Town Council_PINS186 (PDF, 690KB)
HS05 - Citizens of Lancaster Opposed to Unnecessary Development (CLOUD)_PINS55 (PDF, 7.2MB)
HS06 - Brabners on behalf of Peel Ports Group_PINS48 (PDF, 6MB)
HS07 - Home Builders Federation_PINS97 (PDF, 483KB)
HS08 - Savills and Gladman Developments Ltd_PINS29&146 (PDF, 4MB)
HS09 - Star Planning on behalf of Seemore Properties_PINS100 (PDF, 2.6MB)
HS10 - Barton Willmore on behalf of H2O LLP_PINS51 (PDF, 2.7MB)
HS11 - PWA Planning on behalf of Oakmere Homes_PINS103 (PDF, 919KB)
HS12 - Nexus Planning on behalf of Homes England_PINS105 (PDF, 250KB)
HS13 - Lichfields on behalf of Commercial Estates Projects_PINS169 (PDF, 5.4MB)
HS14 - Barton Willmore on behalf of Story Homes_PINS106 (PDF, 6.3MB)
HS15 - CBRE on behalf of Lancaster University_PINS148 (PDF, 378KB)
HS16_Peter Brett Associates on behalf of Hurstwood Holdings_PINS124 (PDF, 354KB)
HS17_Smith & Love Planning on behalf of Applethwaite Homes_PINS162 (PDF, 544KB)
HS18_Smith & Love Planning on behalf of G & M Parker_PINS108 (PDF, 558KB)
HS19_Smith & Love Planning on behalf of J & S Lamb_PINS107 (PDF, 552KB)
HS20_Smith & Love Planning on behalf of Oakmere Homes_PINS135 (PDF, 597KB)
HS21_Lancashire County Council School Planning Team_PINS20 (PDF, 376KB)
HS22_JWPC obo TNPG Sandeman Trust & M Capital Developments Ltd_PINS139 (PDF, 16.5MB)
HS23_Satnam_PINS7 (PDF, 18.5MB)
HS24_Tim Hamilton-Cox and Neil McDonald_PINS168 (PDF, 2.1MB)
HS25_Cushman & Wakefield on behalf of E Metcalfe & T Lloyd_PINS85 (PDF, 1.1MB)
HS26_Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester & North Merseyside_PINS10 (PDF, 515KB)
HS27_PWA Planning on behalf of Hollins Strategic Land_PINS151 (PDF, 3.4MB)
HS28_Avison Young on behalf of Taylor Wimpey_PINS155 (PDF, 30.6MB)
HS29_Turley on behalf of Peel Investments (North) Ltd_PINS163 (PDF, 12.5MB)
HS30_Knights on behalf of VMC Developments_PINS147 (PDF, 481KB)
Statements of Common Ground:
SoCG01 - East Lancaster Strategic Site SoCG (April 2019) (PDF, 2.1MB) Addendum to SoCG01 is available in Section 8 below (Ref HD28)
SoCG02 - EnvironmentAgency&LCC_SoCG (April 2019) (PDF, 444KB)
SoCG03 - Lancaster City Co and Lanc Co Co SOCG (April 2019) (PDF, 1.5MB)
SoCG04 - North Lancaster Strategic Site SoCG (April 2019) (PDF, 2MB) Addendum to SoCG04 is available in Section 8 below (Ref HD27)
Section 8 - Documents received after the start of the hearings (HD)
HD01 - Opening Statement by Lancaster City Council (9 April 2019) (PDF, 560KB)
HD03 - Explanatory Note regarding helipad to be read on conjunction with HRA (SD_004.1) (PDF, 181KB)
HD04 - Supplements to Matter 1 of Hearing Statement HS25 (PDF, 1.6MB)_Cushman & Wakefield on behalf of E Metcalfe & T Lloyd_PINS85
HD07 - Letter received by the Inspector in response to Hearing Statement HS14 (PDF, 463KB)
HD09 - Lancaster City Council Working Draft Policy SG1A (PDF, 191KB)
HD10 - Government response to the London Plan (referenced at footnote 8 of document LCC7.1.4) (PDF, 152KB)
HD11 - Government response to the technical consultation (PDF, 196KB) (regarding updates to national planning policy and guidance) (Feb 2019)
HD12 - Blog referred to in footnote of document HD11 (PDF, 447KB)
HD13 - Link to archived Planning Practice Guidance regarding Housing and Economic Development Needs
HD15 - Council's suggested amendment to Policy SG1 (11 April 2019) (PDF, 81KB)
HD18.1-18.3 - Documents submitted by Aggregate Industries UK in relation to Agent of Change Principle:
- HD18.1 - Extract from Draft London Plan showing minor suggested changes (PDF, 46KB)
- HD18.2 - Additional response from Aggregate Industries UK regarding Agent of Change Principle (PDF, 10KB)
- HD18.3 - Mayor of London response to Inspector's Matters (PDF, 786KB)
HD19 - Aggregate Industries UK response to HD06 (PDF, 123KB)
HD20 - Aggregate Industries UK response to Statement of Common Ground (SoCG03) (PDF, 9KB)
HD21.1 - 21.2 Lancaster City Council's revised 5 year land supply trajectory and explanatory note:
- HD21.1 - Revised 5 year land supply trajectory (15 April 2019) (PDF, 534KB)
- HD21.2 - Explanatory Note to accompany the revised trajectory (15 April 2019) (PDF, 365KB)
HD22 - Comments received in relation to the Council's proposed wording Policy SG1A (Ref. HD09) and revised 5 year land supply trajectory (Ref. HD21.1 - 21.2):
- HD22.1 - Comments from Cushman & Wakefield (ID85) regarding Policy SG1A (15 April 2019) (PDF, 90KB)
- HD22.2 - Comments from Peter Brett Assc (ID124) in response to Council's revised trajectory (16 April 2019) (PDF, 129KB)
- HD22.3 - Comments from Satnam (ID7) regarding Policy SG1A (18 April 2019) (PDF, 1.2MB)
- HD22.4 - Comments from Emery Planning on behalf of Satnam (ID7) in response to Council's revised trajectory (18 April 2019) (PDF, 117KB)
- HD22.5 - Comments from Turley on behalf of Peel Investments (ID163) on SG1, SG1A & 5 yr land supply (18 April 2019) (PDF, 207KB)
HD24 - Satnam response to document HD14 (SHELAA methodology) (18 April 2019) (PDF, 2.2MB)
HD34.1 & HD34.2 - Additional evidence submitted by Aggregate Industries UK regarding mineral safeguarding areas:
- HD34.1 - Comments submitted by Aggregate Industries UK regarding mineral safeguarding areas (PDF, 282KB)
- HD34.2 - Map extract referred to in HD34.1 (PDF, 10.9MB)
HD41.1 - Email from Mr Blendall raising conflict of interest concerns (PDF, 123KB)
HD43 - Supplementary Statement by Heysham Port Ltd (Part of Peel Ports Group) (PDF, 353KB)
HD44 - Letter from RSPB in support of Natural England's position regarding Policy SG14 (PDF, 230KB)
HD50 - Lancaster City Council's proposed modifications to Policies SP5 and SG7 (PDF, 654KB)
HD53 - Note from T Hamilton-Cox regarding response to HD35 (PDF, 79KB)
HD54.1 & HD54.2 - Map extracts showing Flood Zones and Mineral Safeguarding Areas relative to South Lancaster Growth Area:
- HD54.1 - Map extract from Lancaster City Council showing Flood Zones relative to South Lancaster Growth Area (PDF, 1.2MB)
- HD54.2 - Map extract from Lancaster City Council showing Mineral Safeguarding Areas relative to South Lancaster Growth Area (PDF, 1.2MB)
HD55 - Lancashire County Council's Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) (PDF, 455KB)
HD56 - Extract from Heysham M6 Link Road Development Consent Order 2013 No. 675 (PDF, 540KB)
HD57.1 & HD57.2 - Map extracts showing Mineral Safeguarding Areas relative to mineral type in the Carnforth area:
HD57.1 - Mineral Safeguarding Area relative to mineral type (Limestone) (PDF, 1.1MB)
HD57.2 - Mineral Safeguarding Area relative to mineral type (Sand and Gravel) (PDF, 1.1MB)
HD59.1 to 59.2: Lancaster City Council's Revised Examination Trajectory and Explanatory Note (14 May 2019)
HD59.1 - A revised trajectory for the full Local Plan period and additional three year post Local Plan period (PDF, 288KB). Note that this is a fourth trajectory, a development of HD21.1, now for the full plan period (also plus three years) and now also taking full account of the delivery content from the various Statements of Common Ground.
HD59.2 - Explanatory note with the five year land supply at adoption updated accordingly (PDF, 263KB). Note that this includes an Updated 5 Year Supply Position taking account of the above trajectory. This shows that, with the retention of the stepped approach to achieving an overall plan average of 510 dwellings per annum, (i.e. in the years 2019/2020 to 2023/24 the stepped approach is for 450 homes per year) and a supply of 3,469, there would be a 5 year supply position upon adoption: specifically, 6.97 years. It also describes why changes have been made to the trajectory, most particularly reverting to the submission position for the Broad Location of Growth at Lancaster South following the signing of the SoCG, and also taking account of the recent signing of Section 106 Agreements at a number of sites.
HD60.1 to 60.4: Background information provided Lancaster City Council relating to four 'omission' sites
HD60.1 - LPSA 647, 648 (UE2) Land north and south of A683, Quernmore (PDF, 5.4MB)
HD60.2 - LPSA 704 (GB4) Land north of Manor Lane, Slyne-with-Hest (PDF, 3.7MB)
HD60.3 - LPSA 712 (GB2) Land west of railway line, Slyne-with-Hest (PDF, 5.6MB)
HD60.4 - LPSA 799 Land at Home Farm, Galgate (PDF, 4.2MB)
HD61 - Tables illustrating employment data submitted by Tim Hamilton-Cox (PDF, 216KB)
HD62 - Lancaster's OAN - Summary of Key Numbers submitted by Mr McDonald (PDF, 222KB)
HD63 - Lancaster City Council's proposed modifications to Policies DM20, DM27, DM31 and DM56 (PDF, 2.2MB)
HD68 - Lancaster City Council's Five Year Land Supply Calculation (21 May 2019) (PDF, 87KB)
Section 9 - Post-examination hearing documents (PH)
Strategic Policies & Land Allocations DPD
- PH1A – Schedule of proposed Main Modifications (Consultation Version) (Aug 2019)
- PH1B – Schedule of proposed Minor Modifications
- PH1C – Track Change Version of Strategic Policies & Land Allocations DPD (Aug 2019)
- PH1D – Sustainability Appraisal Addendum – Post Submission (Aug 2019)
- PH1E – Habitats Regulation Report Update (Aug 2019)
Policies Map
- PH3A – Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications (Aug 2019)
- PH3B – District Wide Map [Rural Villages & Sustainable Settlements ]
- PH3C – Inset Map 1
- PH3D – Inset Map 2-5
Development Management DPD
- PH2A - Schedule of proposed Main Modifications (Consultation Version) (Aug 2019)
- PH2B – Schedule of proposed Minor Modifications
- PH2C – Track Change Version of Development Management Policies DPD (Aug 2019)
- PH2D - Sustainability Appraisal Addendum – Post Submission (Aug 2019)
- PH2E - Habitats Regulation Report Update (Aug 2019)
Responses to Proposed Main Modifications Consultation
Examination news (Archived)
October 2019
The Local Plan Main Modifications Consultation closed on 21 October 2019 and the inspector has received copies of all representations being considered. The consultation documents and responses can be found in Section 9 of the Local Plan Examination Library
May 2019
Hearings took place on the following dates:
- Week 1: Tuesday 9 April 2019 to Thursday 11 April 2019
- Week 2: Wednesday 24 April 2019 to Friday 26 April 2019
- Week 3: Tuesday 30 April 2019 to Wednesday 1 May 2019
The hearing sessions were held at Morecambe Town Hall, Marine Road East, Morecambe LA4 5AF (except on Wednesday 10 April 2019, which was at Storey Institute, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster LA1 1TH).
The inspector issued a revised Hearings Programme (Version 5) (PDF, 397KB) [EX8.4] that includes an updated list of participants. The inspector's [EX5.1] formed the basis for the discussions at the hearing sessions.
The examination procedure is outlined in the [EX6]. The inspector scheduled an additional sitting day commencing at 10am on Tuesday 21 May 2019 at Morecambe Town Hall to cover the matters concerning Objectively Assessed Housing Need and five-year housing land supply that arose during the discussions on days one to four of the hearing sessions. A letter inviting participation (EX9) (PDF, 218KB) in this session was sent to those parties who originally exercised their right to appear and be heard at the hearings. The inspector issued a Hearings Programme for additional sitting day (EX10) (PDF, 55KB) that was held on Tuesday 21 May 2019.
12 August 2019
Local Plan Main Modifications Consultation
Lancaster City Council has published the proposed Main Modifications to the Local Plan, submitted to the Secretary of State in May 2018, which is currently under examination. An eight week consultation will now take place (until 5pm Monday 7 October 2019) and you are invited to make representations on the soundness of the plan, as a result of the proposed three Main Modifications Schedules. More details can be found here....
16 July 2019
Letter (PDF, 314KB) [LCC10] to the Examining Inspector providing an update on the statement made on the ninth day of hearings (21 May 2019) by leading counsel for Lancaster City Council following the change in the council’s political administration. This document has been added to Section 6 of the examination library.
3 July 2019
The Council has submitted a response to the EX11 (Inspector's Post Hearing Note to the Council) (PDF, 204KB) [LCC9]. This document has been added to Section 6 of the examination library.
31 May 2019
The Inspector has issued a Post Hearing Note to the Council (PDF, 151KB) [EX11]
15 May 2019
A Hearings Programme for additional sitting day (EX10) (PDF, 55KB) on Tuesday 21 May 2019 has been issued.
2 May 2019
An updated list of sites (Version 3) (PDF, 287KB) that the inspector intends to visit has been published.
29 April 2019
The Inspector has scheduled an additional sitting day commencing at 10am on Tuesday 21 May 2019 at Morecambe Town Hall to cover the matters concerning Objectively Assessed Housing Need and five-year housing land supply that arose during the discussions on days one to four of the hearing sessions. A letter inviting participation (EX9) (PDF, 218KB) in this session has been sent to those parties who originally exercised their right to appear and be heard at the hearings.
Additionally, an updated list of sites (Version 2) (PDF, 286KB) that the inspector intends to visit has also been published.
25 April 2019
A draft list of site visits (Version 1) (PDF, 285KB) to be undertaken by the Inspector has been issued. This will be updated during the course of the examination hearings and revised versions published when available.
Please also note that Section 8 of the examination library is regularly updated as documents are received by the Inspector during the course of the hearings.
18 April 2019
An updated Hearings Programme (Version 5) (PDF, 397KB)[EX8.4] has been issued detailing amendments to the participant lists.
11 April 2019
The Inspector has received an additional Hearing Statement (Ref HS30) that has been added to the library (Part B, Section 7).
10 April 2019
Hearings will start at 9.30am on Thursday 11 April 2019 to conclude unfinished business from today's hearing sessions.
9 April 2019
Examination Library update
Section 8 has been added to Part B of the l
ibrary. This will contain all documents received by the Inspector on each day of the Examination Hearings.
5 April 2019
An updated Hearings Programme (Version 4) (PDF, 398KB) [EX8.3] has been issued detailing amendments to the participant lists. Please also note that Hearing Statement HS05 (see Examination Library, Part B, Section 7) has been republished with minor amendments.
4 April 2019
Hearing Statements and Statements of Common Ground are now available to view in (Part B, Section 7) of the Examination Library.
30 March 2019
The Inspector has issued the following documents:
- an updated Hearings Programme (Version 3) (PDF, 398KB) [EX8.2] that details amendments to the participant lists;
- an updated Matters, Issues and Questions (PDF, 203KB) document to reflect the clause added on 8 March 2019 to Matter 1 (Question d) [EX5.1];
The council’s Local Development Scheme (PDF, 1MB) [LCC8] has also been added to the Examination Library (Part B, Section 6)
25 March 2019
The Council’s responses to the Inspector’s Matters, Issues and Questions are now available in the Examination Library (Part B, Section 6 – document references LCC7.1.0 to LCC7.7).
21 March 2019
The Inspector has issued a revised Draft Hearings Programme (Version 2) (PDF, 396KB) [EX8.1] that includes a list of participants. Please note that there have been some changes made to the timetabling of the hearings and that reserve dates (should additional time be required) are now 8-10 May 2019. Please also note that this is a draft programme and updates may continue.
19 March 2019
Publication of updated reports
The Council has published a revised version of the Lancaster District Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy: Assessment Report (PDF, 5.3MB) (LCC4.11) and Lancaster District Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy: Strategy and Action Plan (PDF, 2.7MB) (LCC4.12). Revisions relate to the Lancaster Boys and Girls Club and include an additional paragraph on page 116 and an update to the table on page 99 of the respective documents.
8 March 2019
Update to Inspector's Matters, Issues and Questions
The Inspector wishes to add the following clause (shown in bold text) to Question d of Matter 1: Are the DPDs in general conformity with the National Planning Policy Framework? Do they reflect the presumption in favour of sustainable development (in particular policies SP1 and SP2) and facilitate the sustainable use of minerals as set out in paragraph 143 of the Framework?
2 March 2019
The Inspector has issued the following documents:
- Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) (PDF, 274KB) [EX5] – the MIQs will form the basis of the discussions at the hearing sessions;
- Examination Guidance Note (PDF, 269KB) [EX6] – explains the procedure for the Examination;
- Inspector's letter to representors (PDF, 131KB) [EX7] explaining the eligibility and procedure for those wishing to appear at the Hearings;
- Draft Hearings Timetable (Version 1) (PDF, 138KB) [EX8] – please note that this is only a first draft and is very likely to be updated depending on the numbers wishing to appear at the Hearing sessions.
1 March 2019
The Inspector's Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) (PDF, 274KB) [EX5] has been received by the Council.
26 February 2019
The Council's response to the Inspector's re-issued Initial Questions (PDF, 165KB) has been received by the Inspector [LCC6] and has been added to the Examination Library.
25 February 2019
The Council has issued a Notice of Examination Hearings. For hearing dates and venues, please see above.
Please note that the Draft Hearing Programme will be published on the website as soon as it is available.
22 February 2019
In light of the Council's recent additional consultation, the Inspector's Initial Questions have been re-issued (PDF, 182KB) to the Council for an updated response [EX4]
21 February 2019
Examination Library update
All evidence documents and responses, along with an updated Consultation Statement and representation schedules have been submitted to the Inspector and published in Part B (Section 6) of the Examination Library.
The Part A Examination Library has been refreshed to reflect these updates.
14 February 2019
New Programme Officer appointed
Kim Russell has replaced Yvonne Parker as Programme Officer – see contact details above.
Provisional dates for Examination Hearings rescheduled
Examination Hearing dates have been provisionally rescheduled for the week commencing 8 April 2019. There will be no hearing sessions the following week. Hearings will recommence on Wednesday 24 April 2019 (running Wednesday, Thursday, Friday of this week). If required, further sittings will be held in the week commencing 29 April 2019.
7 January 2019
Lancaster City Council has published additional evidence and information to support the submitted Local Plan. A six week consultation will now take place until 5pm Friday 15 February 2019. Following your consideration of the additional evidence and information you are invited to make representations on the soundness of the plan, its legal compliance and conformity with duty to cooperate requirements. More details here....
20 December 2018
Hearing Dates Provisionally Scheduled
Following the recent exchange of correspondence between the Inspector and the Council (this can be found in the drop down box, 'Local Plan Examination Library' under Section 5 and Section 6 below), Local Hearing Dates have been provisionally scheduled for the week commencing 1 April 2019 and the week commencing 8 April 2019. There will be no hearing sessions on the following week (the week commencing 15 April 2019). Further sittings will be held in the week commencing 22 April 2019 should they be needed (in this week the hearing sessions would be on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).
The Council will be consulting on additional evidence between Friday 4 January 2019 and Friday 15 February 2019. Further information will be made available on the Council’s Planning Policy Consultations webpages. The additional evidence and statements that will be the subject of consultation are listed within the Response from Lancaster City Council dated 23rd November 2018 (see LCC2, Section 6).
13 December 2018
The council's response (PDF, 93KB) to the Inspector's Pre-Hearing notes [2] has been received by the Inspector (dated 11 December 2018) [LCC3]
11 December 2018
The Inspector's Pre-Hearing note [2] (PDF, 90KB) has been received by the council (dated 10 December 2018) [EX3]
The council's response (PDF, 117KB) to the Inspector's Pre-Hearing notes [1] has been received by the Inspector (dated 23 November 2018) [LCC2]
19 November 2018
The Inspector's Pre-Hearing note [1] (PDF, 71KB) has been received by the council (dated 19 November 2018) [EX2]
12 November 2018
The hearings will NOT commence on Tuesday 8th January 2019. Further details will be posted in due course.
The council submitted additional documents to the Inspector. See the Examination Library, Section 9 below
3 October 2018
The council's response (PDF, 316KB) to the Inspector's initial questions have been received by the Inspector [LCC1]
5 September 2018
The Inspector's initial questions (PDF, 103KB) has been received by the council [EX1]