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Climate Emergency Local Plan Review

Adopted Local Plan 22 January 2025

The  Climate Emergency Review of the Local Plan, the Strategic Policies and Land Allocations DPD and the Development Management DPD (adopted 22 January 2025), was a partial review of the adopted 2020 Local Plan.   It did not re-visit how much development was needed in the district and where that development should take place. The review focused on how new development can be made better for nature while also making sure that homes and residents are better protected from flooding, have lower water bills, lower fuel bills, and better access to sustainable travel. 

Copies of the Adoption Statement and the new adopted DPDs are available for public inspection on the Council’s website here.

Any person may request a copy of the documents (in accordance with Regulation 36). Copies will be charged at the Council’s current printing rate. Copies of the document are also available for inspection at our principal offices (Lancaster Town Hall and Morecambe Town Hall) in accordance with Regulation 35 (1). The documents will be available for inspection for a 6-week period in accordance with Regulation 35 (3) (b).

Any person may request a copy of the documents (in accordance with Regulation 36). Copies will be charged at the Council’s current printing rate.

The Inspector’s Report and Examination documents can be viewed below

Background documents

The Council received the Inspector's Final Report  on the Examination of the Climate Emergency Review of the Lancaster District Strategic Policies & Land Allocation Development Plan Document 2020 – 2031 and the Development Management Development Plan Document 2020 – 2031 on 2 December 2024. The Inspector’s Report concluded that subject to a number of main modifications, set out in the Main Modification Appendix  to her report, the Lancaster District Local Plan 2011 – 2031 provides an appropriate basis for the planning of the district.  

The receipt and publication of the Inspector's Report marked the completion of the Examination of the submitted Climate Emergency partial review of the Lancaster District Local Plan 2020 – 2031.  As the Inspector has found that, subject to compliance with her binding recommendations, the documents are sound, legally compliant and capable of adoption, the final stage of the Local Plan process is for the Council to formally adopt the reviewed Local Plan. This decision to adopt was made by Council 22 Janaury 2025.

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