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Brownfield register

Help to Identify Brownfield Sites

The Council reviews the Brownfield Register regularly and is asking for help with identifying potential sites. If you have a brownfield site you consider suitable for residential development, or are aware of such a site, we would appreciate your input.

Please note: Regular updates to the Brownfield Land Register are separate to any engagement and consultation that will be undertaken as part of the proposed Local Plan Review to consider the implications of the Council’s declaration of a Climate Emergency.

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What is the Brownfield land register

Brownfield land registers provide information on sites that local authorities consider appropriate for residential development. They were introduced by the Housing and Planning Act 2016 and the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017. Registers are in two parts. Part 1 comprises of all brownfield sites appropriate for residential development. Part 2 includes sites which have been granted permission in principle. The Council has not included any sites on Part 2 at present, but is considering options. If it is decided to proceed with granting permission in principle, consultation will be carried out before a site is entered into Part 2 of the register.

The register comprises a standard set of information, prescribed by the government, that is reviewed yearly, and made publicly available, to help provide certainty for developers and communities and encourage investment in local areas. The registers will then be used to monitor the government’s commitment to the delivery of brownfield sites.

What is a suitable site?

A Brownfield site is land which is or was occupied by a permanent structure. This can include land which contains vacant industrial or residential buildings, or sites where they have been demolished. It does not include agricultural or forestry buildings, residential gardens, parks or recreation grounds, r land which was previously developed but where the site has blended in to the landscape.

For a site to be include on the Brownfield Register it must meet certain criteria:

  • the land has an area of at least 0.25 hectares or is capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings (although it can be smaller if the other criteria are met);
  • the land is suitable for residential development (issues such as the location, natural and built environment, heritage, access, heritage) and accords with the local plan ;
  • the land is available for residential development (the owner or a developer has expressed an interest, or the Council is of the opinion there are no issues preventing development); and
  • residential development of the land is achievable (the site can be developed within 15 years).


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