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Designations and constraints

Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs)

There are three AQMAs in the district – Lancaster city centre, Carnforth town centre and Galgate village centre. These are known centres on the A6 where motorised vehicular movements have adversely affected air quality. The designation of these centres as AQMAs allows a more consistent and strategic approach to planning and air quality and gives us more powers to tackle problem areas and help improve air quality. Applications proposing development that would change the composition of traffic (speed or volume) through one or more of the AQMAs is likely to require an air quality assessment regardless of development’s location. This would also apply to an industrial process that could adversely impact the designated area’s air quality. An assessment would also be required where a sensitive use is being proposed within an AQMA (eg a residential scheme) to ensure the occupants of the proposed development are not regularly exposed to air pollutants. 

It is therefore recommended that advice be sought from Environmental Health: prior to making an application where you think that air quality might be a consideration and refer to the Planning Application Validation Guide (pdf). (PDF, 2.5MB)

Last updated: 04 July 2023

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