Appealing against a refusal
If your application has been refused, granted subject to conditions which you consider to be unreasonable, or has not been determined within the statutory time period, you have a right of appeal to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. A similar right of appeal exists against planning enforcement notices served by the council.
There is no right of appeal against a planning decision by third parties, such as neighbours.
Amending your proposal
Before submitting your appeal you are advised to contact the case officer who dealt with your application to discuss if any changes can be made to the proposal to overcome the reasons for refusal which will be set out in the decision notice. We offer a Pre-application advice service, which may be helpful to inform what changes might be required prior to the submission of a new application.
How to appeal
If you decide to appeal the decision, you must make your appeal to the Planning Inspectorate within the appropriate time limit:
- Planning applications or applications for listed building consent - 6 months from the date of decision
- Householder planning applications - 12 weeks from the date of decision
- Minor commercial planning applications - 12 weeks from the date of decision
- Advertisement consent - 8 weeks from the date of decision
- Tree works applications - two months from the date of decision
Further information on householder, advert, planning, enforcement and other appeals, is available from the Planning Inspectorate, including submitting your appeal, commenting on an appeal and appeal guidance.
View current appeals
Appeals procedure guides
Planning and enforcement appeals are determined using one of three procedures as laid out in the procedural guides below:
Last updated: 04 February 2025