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Non-designated heritage assets

Non-designated heritage assets (NDHAs) are buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas or landscapes identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions but which are not formally designated heritage assets. NDHAs play an essential role in building and reinforcing the distinct character of our district.

'NDHA' is not a formal or static designation, but a way of recognising the broad spectrum of the historic environment which does not meet the stringent criteria for statutory designation, but which is relevant in the context of the National Planning Policy Framework. All aspects of the built environment have the potential to be of heritage value.

We are inviting nominations of any aspect of the built environment which you think has heritage value or contributes to sense of place. By nominating sites you will help to expand our knowledge of the historic environment and contribute to the recording of local heritage assets.

How do you identify and assess NDHAs?

NDHAs are identified through a number of different processes, including during preparation of local and neighbourhood plans, conservation area appraisals and townscape maps, through public nominations, and following submission of a planning application. Potential NDHAs are assessed by the Heritage and Design Team to determine if they are of visual, historic or social interest according to the criteria on the submission form.

My home is an NDHA, does this mean I can’t make alterations to it?

Alterations and extensions to NDHAs are still possible.  Where a planning application is required, the Council will seek to ensure that what is special about the building is conserved.  Sometimes it may be possible to make changes without the need for planning permission, although we would urge owners to ensure that such changes are sympathetic to the character of the building.  Employing an architect in making alterations would help to achieve this.

How can I find out if my home is identified?

Non-Designated Heritage Assets, are as the term implies, not actually designated. They are identified only and shown on the on-line map because they have interesting heritage features such as the building's appearance, history or design.  Identifying a building as an NDHA usually occurs through planning process when a planning application is made and the owner or their agent is informed of this before the application is determined.  Some Parish Councils have prepared their own lists of NDHAs (sometimes referred to as local lists), although these may not always be up to date and it is recommend that you consult the Council’s on-line map for the most current record of NDHAs in your area. 

Why are there more identified NDHAs in some areas than others?

The Lancaster District is large and encompasses many hundreds of NDHAs. For this reason it has not been possible to carry out a comprehensive survey. NDHAs will be added to the map on an ongoing basis as they are identified.

Is there a deadline for nominations?

No. The NDHA map will periodically be updated on an ongoing basis as NDHAs are newly identified.



Last updated: 04 June 2024

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