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St.George’s Quay car park

Pay and display charges apply and residents and businesses within the Business and Residents Parking Zone are eligible to apply for annual business permits and resident permits.

Summary of charges

Duration Charge
Up to 1 hour £1.20
Up to 2 hours £2.20
Up to 3 hours £2.70
Up to 4 hours £3.20
Up to 10 hours £6
Evening charge (6pm to 8am) £2.50
Business permit (annual) £205
Resident permit (annual) £32

Business permit applications can be submitted by business owners, proprietors and employees provided some proof such as a letter from the owner or proprietor confirms the permit(s) will be used in connection with the business in the parking zone. These permits will not require a vehicle registration number on and can be transferred between different vehicles if required.   

Residents within the parking zone will be eligible to apply for a resident permit which will have a vehicle registration number on. Proof of residency at the address and/or a document linking the resident with the vehicle and the address will need to be submitted with applications.

Please note the following:

  • Business and resident permits will not be valid in the on-street Quay Zone E parking spaces on St George’s Quay
  • On-Street Quay Zone E resident permits will not be valid on the car park
  • Permits and pay and display tickets will not be valid in the private parking area located at the city centre end of the car park
  • Parking will be subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed
  • The car park will be patrolled on a regular basis
  • Parking close to the wall on River Street and behind the George and Dragon Beer Garden will be permitted with a valid pay and display ticket or permit

Last updated: 02 April 2024

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