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Car park permits

To apply for or renew a car park permit please download and complete the relevant form below.

Parking permit application forms

7 days 5 days (Monday - Friday)
Lancaster and Morecambe car parks - 7 days Lancaster and Morecambe car parks - 5 days
Morecambe car parks - 7 days Morecambe car parks - 5 days
Windy Hill, Bulk Street, Bridget Street car parks - 7 days Windy Hill, Bulk Street, Bridget Street car parks - 5 days

How to pay

  • Direct debit (payments are debited over 10 months from April to January) - please sign and return an original copy of our direct debit mandate
  • Credit or debit card - call us on 01524 582957 to make a payment

Apply for a refund

Last updated: 28 March 2024

Lancaster City Council logogram

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