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Draft parking strategy approved for consultation

A draft parking strategy and action plan to ensure there remains a well-managed supply of public car parking facilities for Lancaster City Centre was approved for consultation at a meeting of Lancaster City Council’s Cabinet last week (Thursday, March 7).

The strategy aims to provide reassurance to both businesses and community stakeholders that the council can provide sufficient parking spaces whilst maintaining its overarching commitment to climate action and delivering other priorities such as new homes for local people.

Through its declared Climate Emergency, the council also recognises the need to support the transitioning to an accessible and inclusive low-carbon and active transport system, promoting cycling, walking and increased use of public transport.    

The strategy aims to strike a balance in future provision so that:  

  • car parks are in the right place, reducing need for vehicle circulation through and around the city centre
  • sufficient parking options are available to service the needs of the evening and cultural economy
  • the offer is of a good quality, safe and attractive to customers
  • blue badge holders and those with greater accessibility needs are provided for
  • future sustainable transport strategy and development proposals recognise the continuing and necessary role of car parking availability for the city centre
  • the permanent car park offer is fit for the future; particularly for the use of electric vehicles and better accommodates alternative transport modes (cycle parking/car share hubs) and active/low emission travel amenity

In all actions, it will be essential that the city council works closely with Lancashire County Council as the highways and transport authority to explicitly integrate the long-term planning, placement, and types of parking facilities into the sustainable travel and transport policy agenda for the city.

Councillor Jean Parr, Cabinet member with responsibility for transport policy and parking, said: “We have listened to the concerns from our business community and residents as well as local arts organisations and we understand their concerns about the long-term parking provision in the city centre.

“The strategy aims to provide reassurance to both businesses and community stakeholders that the council is able to deliver and manage a sufficient number of parking spaces as well as on its overarching commitment to climate action and other priorities such as the much-needed provision of new homes. 

“Now that the draft Lancaster City Centre Car Parking Strategy and Action Plan has been approved for consultation with statutory and community stakeholders, there will be plenty of opportunities for people to have their say on the content of the strategy before a final version is presented to Cabinet at a future meeting.”

Last updated: 11 March 2024

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