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City Council successful in Alexandra Hotel planning enforcement case

Lancaster City Council has successfully defended an appeal against an enforcement notice at the former Alexandra Hotel site.

Alexandra Hall

Alexandra Hall

The building, which is Grade II listed and was built in 1902, has deteriorated in recent years following the unauthorised removal of windows which has exposed the structure to the elements.

The council served a Listed Building Enforcement Notice in Spring 2023, requiring all of the original windows to be reinstated and any ancillary repairs to be carried out. The owner subsequently appealed the notice.

A planning inspector has now dismissed the appeal and has upheld the council’s enforcement notice in its entirety. In making this decision, the inspector concluded that the timber windows were “intrinsic features” of the building’s overall character.

He dismissed the appellant’s claim that the removal of the windows comprised the minimum action necessary to preserve public safety. The building’s owners now must comply with the terms of the enforcement notice or face the prospect of prosecution.

The notice gives three months for the work to be completed, and this begins from the date of the inspector’s decision (16 February 2024).

Councillor Phillip Black, leader of Lancaster City Council, said: “The Alexandra Hotel forms part of a historic gateway into the city of Lancaster. It is a building that is valued highly by its residents and one that Council officers will continue to strive to protect from inappropriate work.

“The planning inspector’s appeal decision is a welcome development in this case. The decision vindicates the city council in pursuing enforcement action. We would now urge the owner to comply with the notice as prescribed by the planning inspector.”

Last updated: 01 March 2024

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