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Subsidy Advice Unit issues its report on Eden Project Morecambe

Lancaster City Council has today (January 24) received a report from the Subsidy Advice Unit (SAU) of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) on the proposed public subsidy being provided to deliver Eden Project Morecambe.

In December 2023 the city council, as the accountable body for the £50million awarded to the project from the Levelling Up Fund, was required to submit a report and supporting evidence under the Subsidy Control Act to set out why public funds are required as part of the funding package.

The evidence was evaluated by the Subsidy Advice Unit (SAU) against the key tests for the award of a subsidy. Its subsequent comprehensive report provides advice to help inform the council’s subsidy assessments and decisions around the justification of using public funds towards the project.

Councillor Catherine Potter, cabinet member with responsibility for the visitor economy, community wealth building and culture, said: “This is another important milestone in the delivery of Eden Project Morecambe and I would like to thank the Subsidy Advice Unit for its thorough assessment of the project and the supporting evidence we provided.

“We will now fully review the content of the report as part of our due diligence of the project and consider any further actions that may be necessary.”

The report is available on

Last updated: 24 January 2024

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