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Consultation on Lancaster city centre draft car parking strategy now live

A public consultation on the Lancaster city centre draft car parking strategy is now live and available to comment upon.

Auction Mart car park

Auction Mart car park

The draft strategy and accompanying action plan are designed to ensure there continues to be a well-managed supply of public car parking facilities in the city.

Among its aims are to strike a balance so that:

• Car parks are in the right place, reducing the need for vehicles to drive around the city centre looking for a parking space
• Making sure there are enough parking options available to support the evening and cultural economy
• Spaces are available for Blue Badge holders and those with greater accessibility needs
• Ensuring that future development proposals recognise the need for car parking availability in the city centre
• Car parks are fit for the future and able to accommodate electric vehicles and alternative transport modes (cycle parking/car share hubs etc)

To read the full draft strategy and have your say visit

The consultation is open until 12pm on Monday May 13, after which time all of the responses will be collated and used to inform the final strategy for consideration by the council’s cabinet.


Last updated: 05 April 2024

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