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Food business fined after man suffers a severe allergic reaction at wedding

A Lancaster business has been ordered to pay £23,261.41 in fines and costs after pleading guilty to a breach of food hygiene regulations at Blackpool Magistrates’ Court last week (Wednesday, September 20).

Casterton Leisure Limited, the operator of Hipping Hall, Cowan Bridge, Kirkby Lonsdale, pleaded guilty to one offence under The Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 following an investigation by Lancaster City Council’s Environmental Health Department.

In December 2021, officers received a complaint from a wedding party that the best man had suffered a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) after eating a canapé at the event that contained nuts. This was despite the hotel being informed that two guests were allergic to nuts and another was allergic to peanuts.

During last week’s sentencing, District Judge McGarva commented that this should have been one of the best days of the family’s life and there was a wholesale failure by the company. The defendant fell far below expectations and the family did everything they could and there was a realistic risk of death.

Casterton Leisure Limited were fined £16,000 plus victim surcharge of £190 and ordered to pay costs of £7,071.41.
Councillor Joanne Ainscough, cabinet member with responsibility for Environmental Health and Enforcement, said: “All businesses have a fundamental duty to their customers to ensure that the food they provide is safe to eat. This includes catering for those with allergies, intolerances or coeliac disease.

“Whilst our Environmental Health Officers are committed to working with food businesses to help them comply with the statutory duties placed upon them, the council will not hesitate to take enforcement action when food safety and hygiene breaches occur and may result in severe illness or death.”

Hipping Hall ceased operating in July this year.

Last updated: 25 September 2023

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