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Council takes action on Light up Lancaster fireworks petition

Lancaster City Council has agreed to look at whether fireworks should be part of the 2024 Light up Lancaster (LuL) festival.

On Wednesday (September 27) full council was presented with a petition asking for the fireworks to be reinstated to this year’s LuL programme.

The fireworks had been removed due to their cost - £35,000 for a 17 minute display – and impact on the wider environment.

Discussions had also taken place with stakeholders including The Duchy of Lancaster and The Priory, who raised concerns about the detrimental effect the fireworks were having on the historic fabric of the city’s heritage assets.

LuL has, however, been extended from two to three days to provide more people with the opportunity to experience how local art and culture can be used to illuminate Lancaster’s history and heritage.

Following a debate of the petition, councillors noted it would not be practical to reinstate the fireworks for 2023, but agreed to work with partners to evaluate the wider economic, cultural, environmental and operational impact of this year’s festival in comparison with previous years.

This evaluation and feedback will be used as part of the formulation of plans for 2024/25 and whether funding for the fireworks element of the event can be reinstated.

Councillor Catherine Potter, cabinet member with responsibility for the visitor economy, community wealth building and culture, said: “Fireworks are expensive and environmentally damaging, which is why they were removed from the programme.

“In addition, for this year, taking into account it would be unlikely the Duchy of Lancaster would allow firing from its assets, there is insufficient time to reconsider, replan, procure and deliver fireworks for the 2023 event.

“However, it is important to acknowledge the views of the district’s residents and so we have agreed to examine in more detail the effect of not having fireworks on the economic, cultural, environmental and operational impact of Light up Lancaster.

“The evidence we gather will then help us decide whether to reinstate funding for the fireworks as part of the 2024/25 budget process.”

Last updated: 28 September 2023

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