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Cabinet to consider establishing Frontierland project board

Lancaster City Council’s cabinet will consider setting up a special project board to help drive forward plans for Morecambe’s Frontierland site when it meets on September 12.

Lancaster City Council’s cabinet will consider setting up a special project board to help drive forward plans for Morecambe’s Frontierland site

Lancaster City Council’s cabinet will consider setting up a special project board to help drive forward plans for Morecambe’s Frontierland site

The redevelopment of Frontierland is a key priority for the city council and it recently asked for Expressions of Interest from the private sector with an emphasis on leisure-led proposals.

Eight proposals were received in total, confirming there is interest from the private sector in working with the council, stakeholders and the community to bring the land back into beneficial use.

To develop plans for the site further, cabinet members will be asked to establish a project board to oversee an overall vision for the site.

If agreed, one of the first orders of business for the project board will be to consult the public and stakeholders to draw-up a set of high-level objectives.

This vision will then help to source a preferred developer partner to draw-up proposals for how the former funfair will help to transform the local economy.

Councillor Phillip Black, leader of Lancaster City Council, said: “The Frontierland site has been the subject of concern by both the council and the wider community for a number of years, but it is also an opportunity that can be used to help the town reinvent itself and build a better future for its residents.

“By setting up a small project board that’s wholly focussed on redeveloping the site we will drive forward plans quicker and more effectively than might otherwise be the case, and I am confident that my fellow cabinet members will support the proposals on Tuesday.

“We will then immediately start looking at how we consult with the public and our stakeholders to ensure the final vision for the site reflects the views of the local community.”

Last updated: 08 September 2023

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