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Castle car park closes until further notice

Lancaster City Council has been forced to keep the Castle car park in Lancaster closed until repairs can be made to correct structural defects.

Castle car park

Castle car park

The car park has been closed since the beginning of June, when concrete began to fall from the ceiling on the upper level.

A surveyor’s report has since revealed that the problem has been caused by steel reinforcement rods that have rusted under the surface of the concrete.

Councillor Jean Parr, cabinet member with responsibility for planning and placemaking, said: “We know that people will be disappointed but there is a real danger that someone could be seriously hurt so we’ve reluctantly had to make the decision to close the car park until further notice.

“The council leases the car park and we’re in the process of speaking to the holders of the head lease to the building so they can make the necessary repairs as soon as possible.”

Permit holders will be able to continue to use the other permit car parks within the city, including Dallas Rd, Auction Mart and Upper St Leonardgate.

Last updated: 10 October 2023

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