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Council seeks views on its Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy

Lancaster City Council would like to hear your views on its proposed strategy to tackle homelessness and rough sleeping in the district and what people feel are the biggest challenges in preventing it.

The draft strategy and action plan outlines its delivery of the Homelessness Strategy 2023-28 and approach to addressing homelessness, with a focus on supporting some of the most vulnerable people and households across the district.

Responding to homelessness requires much more than the provision of a home.  The strategy seeks to ensure local needs are met by working in partnership and collaboration with statutory, third sector and faith based organisations to achieve this.

It also intends to build on what is working well in preventing homelessness and rough sleeping in the first instance by reducing the number of occasions when homelessness occurs.  The strategy also seeks to build on what has already been achieved by the council working in partnership with local organisations, other district councils and Lancashire County Council, and by following directions from central government around best practice and new legislation.

Councillor Caroline Jackson, Cabinet member with responsibility for housing, said: “We are fully committed to preventing homelessness and rough sleeping.  Following the new partnerships and developments that arose after lockdown, it’s vitally important that we evaluate what has and hasn’t been working well. 

“Feedback on the strategy from local people, will give us a greater chance of ensuring it delivers action that prevents homelessness wherever possible and supports people made homeless by giving outstanding services.”

To view the council’s Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and to have your say, visit

The consultation will close on Monday, 3 July, 2023.

Last updated: 07 June 2023

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