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City council commits to keeping the Platform open and look for new model of operating

Lancaster City Council’s cabinet has revised its budget proposals to ensure the long term sustainable future for the Platform entertainment venue in Morecambe following public feedback.

Cabinet members have revised budget proposals for the Platform in Morecambe

Cabinet members have revised budget proposals for the Platform in Morecambe

In their draft budget for 2023/24, cabinet members had proposed that the council should no longer operate the building as a venue from October 2023, saving £150,000 a year.

At the cabinet meeting last night (Tuesday February 7) members were told that additional budget savings had been identified elsewhere.  These would substantially reduce the savings required from the Platform, allowing it to continue to operate until April 2024.

Councillor Anne Whitehead, cabinet member with responsibility for finance, said: “Our intention was always to keep the Platform available as a venue.  We recognise just how committed local people are to its future for community events as well as entertainment so we are happy to use this funding to maintain the programme to 2024.

“Alongside the continued Platform programme, we will undertake discussions with external parties who might be interested in taking on the operation of the Platform and we will look at ways we can reduce the gap between our subsidy and the income generated.”

The budget proposals will now go forward to full council on Wednesday February 22 for approval.

Last updated: 08 February 2023

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