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Canal Quarter masterplan to be unveiled at consultation event

Proposals to breathe new life into the Canal Quarter area of Lancaster will be unveiled at a special event that will take place on Sunday October 9.

Artist's impression of proposed Brewery Lane

Artist's impression of proposed Brewery Lane

Taking place from 11am to 5pm on Brewery Lane and at Kanteena, the event will outline a proposed masterplan for the site and the design strategies for movement, parking, open space, sustainability and heritage.

As an added incentive for people to attend and to create a party atmosphere, street food, drinks and craft beers, historical talk and photos, live bands and family workshops will be on offer.

Councillor Gina Dowding, cabinet member for planning and place making, said: “The Canal Quarter is home to some of Lancaster’s most important cultural assets and its regeneration is a fantastic opportunity to create a new and unique area that will boost our housing, commercial, cultural and leisure offer.

“The draft masterplan is the culmination of months of work by the council and PRP and sets out a vision for how we believe the site can be developed for the benefit of residents of businesses.

“Now we want to see what people think of the proposals and help us to shape them as we strive to successfully transform the Canal Quarter for the long-term benefit of the district.

“I would urge people to come along to the event to find out more and have their say.”

Lancaster’s Canal Quarter covers around six acres of land, immediately to the east of the city centre.

Lancaster City Council has been working on a vision and regeneration strategy to bring back into use many of its important buildings and derelict sites to create a vibrant, sustainable and active place which is integrated both with the city centre and the Lancaster Canal to create a diverse, commercial, cultural and residential neighbourhood.

In December last year the council appointed PRP Architects to develop a masterplan for the Canal Quarter that responds to the vision, aspirations and development principles of the LCQSPD (Lancaster Canal Quarter Supplementary Planning Guidance).

For anyone unable to attend the event, the proposals will be made available online afterwards with a link to a series of consultation questions and feedback forms.

A series of stakeholder workshops will also take place and invitations will be emailed out directly.

Last updated: 22 September 2022

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