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Queen’s Trees planted in Lancaster and Morecambe as a thank you to volunteers

Two special trees have been planted in honour of the late Queen Elizabeth II as a thank you to all local volunteers who make the community a better place.

Mayor of Lancaster, Councillor Joyce Pritchard, plants the tree in Regent Park with John Davis, Deputy Lord Lieutenant

Mayor of Lancaster, Councillor Joyce Pritchard, plants the tree in Regent Park with John Davis, Deputy Lord Lieutenant

The two trees had formed part of the 300 Tree of Tree ‘sculpture’, lit up by Her Majesty outside Buckingham Palace as part of the Platinum Jubilee, and were awarded to the Friends of Regent Park and the Friends of Williamson Park for their outstanding contribution to the environment and their communities.

John Davis, Deputy Lord Lieutenant for Lancashire, planted one of the trees in Regent Park with the Mayor of Lancaster, Councillor Joyce Prichard.

Mr Davis, who nominated the Friends of Regent Park, said: "The Friends of Regent Park are volunteers who for a number of years have helped keep this green space a place which is enjoyable for all. They give up many hundreds of hours to make sure that the plants are well kept, the area is well-maintained and they organise a number of local events for the community."

He added that the tree was “also for all volunteers of Morecambe and a fitting tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II”.

Councillor Dave Brookes, cabinet member with responsibility for Environmental Services, added: “We are delighted and proud to have the prestigious gift of two ‘Tree of Trees’ planted in our parks out of the 300 which were given out across the UK.

“The work of the many local Friends’ groups in helping the council to ensure we have fantastic open spaces is tremendous and highly valued. These special trees celebrate the dedication, enthusiasm, and hard work of community organisations across our district."

Last updated: 29 November 2022

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