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Public meeting to discuss fly-tipping

Residents and businesses are being invited to a public meeting to share their ideas of how to reduce fly-tipping and help Lancaster City Council improve its approach.

A public meeting will be held on Wednesday November 30 to discuss fly-tipping

A public meeting will be held on Wednesday November 30 to discuss fly-tipping

The meeting will take place at Morecambe Town Hall on Wednesday November 30 at 6pm and will provide the latest position on fly-tipping within the district as well as giving people the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas on how it should be tackled.

The council’s Recycling Working Group, which has been looking into the issue of fly-tipping as part of its work, has arranged for the meeting to take place. Its findings will be fed back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee with a series of recommendations, with a final report being considered by Full Council.

Councillor Joanna Young, chair of the working group, said: “Fly-tipping is a constant battle for local authorities.  It blights our communities and spoils our countryside and we all need to work together to ensure it is properly tackled.

“Key to our success will be the collaboration and support of local communities to gather information, intelligence, and evidence for us to investigate.

“Through this public meeting we’re hoping to share with residents what the council is doing to tackle the problem and also find out their ideas of what more can be done.”

Last updated: 22 November 2022

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