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Lancaster City Council rolls out workshop to help children prevent the spread of colds and viruses

A sneezing wolf and a light up bug are helping youngsters to learn how to stop the spread of germs.

Handwashing visits to schools

Lancaster City Council is currently taking its interactive hygiene and infection control project into nurseries across the district as part of its drive to educate children as young as two about the importance of handwashing.

The sessions with staff from the council’s public health team sees children enjoy story time with a wolf, who helps them to understand the importance of covering their mouths when they cough and sneeze.

While a handwashing exercise involves children putting their hands into the bug, its UV lights glow up any part of the hand they have missed during handwashing.

Dave Brookes, cabinet member with responsibility for environmental health, said:  “Our team have so far visited 14 nurseries and three primary schools, and the response has been positive.

“During covid, the coverage and work around hand hygiene was important, but continuing to educate and encourage children to wash their hands regularly and properly is still an important part of their daily routine to prevent the spread of colds and viruses.”

Dawn Hepburn, manager at Morecambe Day Nursey, said: “The session was well run and the children really enjoyed it.”

“The staff felt the session was very beneficial to the children and following the session the children did wash their hands more thoroughly on a day-to-day basis.”

The free sessions can be booked with the council’s public protection team by emailing

Last updated: 24 November 2022

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