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Your chance to scrutinise the decision makers

Is there an issue affecting you and your community that you would like the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at Lancaster City Council to examine?

Scrutiny is important to local democracy and exists to hold decision-makers to account and ensure that issues of concern to local residents and visitors are addressed.

It could be a problem in a local area, a council service, or an issue which you feel the council, using its community leadership role, should take a lead in improving. 

The committee can investigate the issues and then make recommendations for improvement to the decision-makers.

If the issue is one for another agency, such as Lancashire County Council for issues related to roads and pavements, the committee will also pass this on and ask them to get back to you. 

Councillor Richard Austen-Baker, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, said: "Holding local authority decision makers to account is fundamentally important in local democracy.

“To ensure the committee focusses on the issues that residents are most concerned about, we are giving everyone the opportunity to let us know what subjects you would like us to examine.”

If you think there is a particular issue that should be scrutinised email

For more information on the council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee, including agenda and minutes, visit

Last updated: 27 May 2022

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