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Morecambe's beaches scoop top award

Morecambe’s two bathing beaches have been recognised as some of the best in the country.

Morecambe North beach

Morecambe North beach

Keep Britain Tidy today (Friday May 13) announced that Morecambe North and South are recipients of the prestigious Seaside Award.

Seaside Awards recognise and award beaches in England that achieve the highest standards of beach management and offer visitors great facilities alongside a litter free and safe environment.

All the beaches are judged on cleanliness, safety and have to meet the highest environmental standards, as well as international bathing water quality standards.

Both beaches passed the water quality standards in 2021 with a ‘good’ classification.

Councillor Dave Brookes, cabinet member with responsibility for environmental services, said: “Our coastline is vital in attracting visitors and the city council is delighted to have received Seaside Awards for both Morecambe's North and South beaches.

“It is a huge vote of confidence and recognises all those who work hard throughout the year to ensure the beaches can be enjoyed by residents, visitors and holiday-makers alike.”

Keep Britain Tidy’s Chief Executive, Allison Ogden-Newton OBE, added: “The success of Morecambe North and South in reaching the high standards demanded is testament to all those who have worked so hard to protect and improve our blue spaces – from beach managers and volunteers to local residents and businesses.

“The huge commitment needed to maintain marvellous beaches worthy of these awards cannot be underestimated.

“People who visit a beach flying a Blue Flag or Seaside Award can be assured the beach will be clean, safe and meet the highest environmental standards, as well as international bathing water quality standards.”

To help keep the beaches clean and comply with the Seaside Award requirements, dog owners are also reminded that their pets are banned from the two beaches until September 30.

Last updated: 13 May 2022

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