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Lancaster City Council appoints new chief executive

Lancaster City Council is delighted to announce that Mark Davies has been appointed as its new chief executive.

Mark Davies

Mark Davies

The appointment was approved at Wednesday’s full council meeting following a recommendation from the cross-party Chief Executive Recruitment Committee.

Mark will succeed Kieran Keane, who is stepping down on March 31 after three years at the helm.

Councillor Caroline Jackson, leader of Lancaster City Council, said: “With the post of chief executive comes a series of immense challenges.

“We were looking for someone with the passion to serve the community and lead our workforce through some of the toughest times ever seen by local government.

“The recruitment process was rigorous and very thorough, and I am delighted Mark has been appointed as the council’s new chief executive.”

Mark began his career in local government with Bolton Metropolitan Council as a building cleaner, where he spent eight years, eventually becoming lead for the service. He moved to Lancaster City Council in 2002 to head the team responsible for services such as cleansing, grounds maintenance, refuse and recycling.

He is currently the city council’s Director for Communities and the Environment with responsibility for a portfolio that includes public realm, housing, leisure and customer services.

Mark added: “I am absolutely delighted to have been appointed as the council’s chief executive. Our area is at a key juncture. The pandemic, the impacts of climate change, economic uncertainty and the many symptoms of inequality mean that the public services our communities rely upon are pressured like never before. At the same time there are a good many opportunities.

“Responding to the challenges requires an understanding of where the real wealth of the area lies. It lies in our people, our communities, our institutions, our businesses, our volunteers. It lies in our city, towns, villages, coast and countryside.

“I look forward to working with our elected Members, staff, partners, communities and businesses to co-design and build a future that grows the wealth of our district.”

Last updated: 17 March 2022

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