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Bringing our community together to support Ukraine

The flag of Ukraine

The flag of Ukraine

A community meeting called to share ideas on how to give practical help to the people of Ukraine has heard about the effects the conflict is having on one of Lancaster’s own twin towns.

The Lancaster district has close ties with the Polish city of Lublin, having been twinned since 1994.

Lying just 70 miles from the Ukraine border, Lublin has seen an influx of refugees and the town council and residents are struggling to help them.

A community meeting on Thursday (March 3) saw members share information about collection points in our area but also agreed that cash donations were really most useful to allow Lublin to buy the specific supplies it needs. 

The meeting agreed to set up an emergency fund to support Lublin with the help of Lancaster CVS.
Caroline Jackson, leader of Lancaster City Council said: "It was truly impressive to have so many community members attend a meeting set up so quickly.  There were a number of creative and practical suggestions of what we can do. We heard from local refugee support organisations of support for Ukrainians unable now to go home, we had offers of help from Polish speakers in our community in our work with Lublin and learned about support from local emergency accommodation networks once refugees arrive.  I am sure we can provide significant support for Ukraine and especially for our twin town Lublin.”

Anyone who wishes to offer ideas or to know more detail can get in touch via for meeting notes, details of organisations and for the fund information once it is set up.

A recording of the meeting is also available on our Youtube channel.

Last updated: 04 March 2022

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